The Eagle Card Office

Eagle Card Office

The Eagle Card office provides students, faculty and staff with a “one card” that gives access to a variety of campus services and facilities. Distance-learning students attending NCCU Online Eagle Card can request their Eagle Card below.

preparing meals

Meal Plans

All students living on campus are required to have a meal plan. We offer value-based meal plans, hours of operation that fit your schedule, sustainable sourcing, culinary excellence and healthy options are just a few of the benefits that you'll experience while dining with us.


Need Your Eagle Card?

NCCU has partnered with MyPhoto to streamline student ID requests. Click the button below to get started!

Distance-learning students can request a card be mailed to them by emailing [email protected].

Upcoming Events

A NCCU student taking notes
Feb 28

North Carolina Central University (NCCU) is excited to host its inaugural Black Male Mental Health Summit on Friday, Feb.

Using the App

The GET Mobile app also allows users to check their meal plan, flex dollar and Eagle Buck balances. Users can also mark a card lost or stolen, track purchases and place orders with select campus food vendors. You can also add funds to your account by visiting the Eagle Card Office with a credit card, cash, Apple Pay, check or money order. Funds are immediately credited and available for use.

Note: Visa and Mastercard are the only accepted forms of credit card payments. AMEX and Discover cards are not accepted at this time.

Paying at the Kiosk

Once students have set up their GET mobile app, paying at kiosks within NCCU has never been easier. Just take a look at how streamlined the process is!

University Resources

nccu bus

Students who do not reside on campus are still required to purchase a meal plan. We offer a variety of commuter plans to accommodate your ever-changing needs! 


staff eating

Permanent employees who dine on campus can sign up for a meal plan! The Faculty-and-Staff Meal Plan Payroll Deduction form is not available to temporary employees, vendors or graduate assistants.

nccu eagle mark

Eagle Bucks are funds that can be added to your Eagle Card or your credit or debit card. These funds can be used for purchases with on-campus vendors.

Additional Resources

Book Voucher

Students can get a book voucher if they have a credit on their account. For further information about the book voucher, see our frequently asked question section on the Eagle Card page.

Dining Locations and Hours

See all available dining locations, menus and hours of operation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have any other questions? Please visit our FAQs to see additional information.

Contact Us

Eagle flying on a red background

Butts, Keisha

Administrative Support Associate

Eagle Card Operations

location icon Lee Biology Building, Room 117

email icon[email protected]

phone icon 919-530-7716

Eagle flying on a red background

Chavis, Reco

Temp Project Manager

Campus Enterprises

location icon W.G. Pearson Cafeteria, Room 0136

email icon[email protected]

Eagle flying on a red background

Edwards, Gerard D

Eagle Card Manager

Campus Enterprises

location icon Lee Biology Building

email icon[email protected]

phone icon 919-530-7523

Eagle flying on a red background

Render, Michael B

Technology Support Analyst

Campus Enterprises

location icon W.G. Pearson Cafeteria

email icon[email protected]

phone icon 919-530-6839

Eagle flying on a red background

Seruya, Javier

Systel Technical Support

Campus Enterprises

location icon Hubbard-Totton Building, Room 117

email icon[email protected]

phone icon 919-530-6576