Message from the Chancellor: Critical Updates for Spring 2022 Semester

Posted December 31, 2021, 5:06PM


Dear NCCU Community:

I trust each of you have had a healthy, safe and joyful holiday season and are preparing for the new year!

COVID-19 continues to be a public health emergency that university officials are monitoring closely. Below are several critical updates and reminders as we begin the spring 2022 semester. These guidelines and procedures are focused on minimizing disruption and continuing to provide an environment that is as safe as possible where we can live, learn and work.

  • NCCU will reopen in person following the holiday break on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022, and classes will start in person on schedule Monday, Jan. 10, 2022.
  • Beginning Jan. 1, 2022, cloth face covering are no longer permissible. (Please refer to the “Students” and “Employees” sections below for details.) Face masks must be worn indoors at all times in all buildings.
  • Report any positive COVID-19 test results for your and household members as well as if you are notified of being a close contact or experience signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 online at


Re-entry Testing

  • All on-campus residential students and their move-in guests, regardless of vaccination status are required to undergo COVID-19 re-entry testing prior to gaining access to residence halls for move-in. Carefully review the guidelines for both vaccinated and unvaccinated students here: There are no exceptions to the established protocols.
  • All commuter students are required to participate in re-entry testing. More information will be sent directly from the COVID Management Team.

Face Masks

  • All students (on campus and commuter) will be provided KN95 masks and disposable medical masks. For the weeks of January 5-7 and January 10-14, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., distribution locations for commuter students will be: A.E. Student Union lobby and the New Student Center lobby.
  • KN95 masks will be required by all faculty and students in classrooms.


Face Masks

  • Faculty and staff will be issued 3-ply medical masks and KN95 masks based on risk assessment beginning Tuesday, Jan. 4. Certain high risk employees have been identified and are enrolled in the NCCU Respiratory Protection Program to wear tight fitting N95 respirators.
  • Faculty and staff should continue to order PPE and supplies through Supervisors who can access the ordering portal.   

Testing (Re-entry and Rapid)

  • During the spring semester, rapid testing will be available to all faculty and staff at the employee testing site during regular clinic hours.
  • One time re-entry testing for employees returning to campus from the holiday break will be required for the following groups of critical workers and for other groups at the discretion of their leadership: Supervisors have been notified and will ensure these groups are tested upon return to work: Housekeeping/Facilities; Police Department; Transportation; Quarantine and Isolation Staff; Residential Life; Food Service (Aramark); Faculty Teaching In-person Courses; Athletic Staff/Coaches; and Central Receiving.
  • Any employee who returns to work within 90 days of a positive COVID-19 test and completion of isolation does not need to be tested for re-entry.
  • All employees are encouraged to get tested within 72 hours of returning to campus, especially if they have traveled or attended gatherings over winter break.

NEW Quarantine and Isolation (Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2022)

If you test positive off campus, your county of residence or a healthcare professional may provide a return-to-work date based on CDC recommendations. However, all employees and students are required to report their test results or symptoms to NCCU using the NCCU COVID-19 Self Report Portal or by calling 919-530-3219 to be advised of a release date from quarantine or isolation that conforms to the campus protocol. 

NCCU’s COVID-19 Management Team is reviewing data regarding COVID-19 on a daily basis and working in partnership with local and state health officials and the University of North Carolina System. The university may adjust operations if needed and as required and will ensure updates are provided in a timely manner. Please visit for more information.

In Truth and Service,

Johnson O. Akinleye, Ph.D., Chancellor

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