Engagement is the cornerstone of the Eagle experience at NC Central. The Engagement segment encompasses Diversity and Inclusion, New Student and Family Programs, Spiritual Development and Dialogue, and Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL)
Engagement at NCCU
Student Development and Support
Provides support, guidance, programming, and advocacy for students by addressing how social, natural, and built campus environments affect students’ health and well-being.
New Student and Family Programs
New Student and Family Programs exist to provide education, leadership and professional development in the areas of college student orientation, transition, retention and parent or family programs.
Student Engagement and Leadership
The Department of Student Engagement and Leadership provides programs and services that support students' leadership development, cultivate seamless learning experiences and promote engagement in meaningful co-curricular activities.
Contact Us
Davis, Heather
Executive Director of Student Engagement and Leadership
Student Engagement and Leadership
Guzman, Emily P
Director of Student Development and Support
Student Development and Support