North Carolina Central University (NCCU) has been recognized by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) for outstanding nonpartisan student voter participation in the 2022 Midterm Elections.
NCCU received the Best in Class Award for the Highest Registration Rate at a historically Black college and university (HBCU), as well as the Bronze Seal for Excellence in Student Voter Engagement, with a voter participation rate of 20% to 29%.
“These accolades highlight NCCU's commitment as a public institution to providing our students with access and opportunity to actively engage in the democratic process,” said Calleen Herbert, director of NCCU’s Office of Community Engagement and Service. “Thanks to the collaboration of Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, staff and faculty, we continue to drive student voter engagement forward. It’s about more than just one election – we’re working to make voting a habit for Eagles, encouraging them to ‘vote early and vote often.’”
The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge supports colleges and universities in achieving excellence in nonpartisan democratic engagement. NCCU was recognized alongside more than 500 campuses, based on data from Tuft University’s National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE), which showed the 2022 midterms had the second-highest student voter turnout in a midterm election since the study began. NCCU also has an on-campus polling precinct, located in the Albert L. Turner Law Building.
“The ALL IN Awards were created to celebrate nonpartisan democratic engagement and the outstanding campus voter registration and turnout rates achieved by our ALL IN campuses. Ahead of the 2024 elections, ALL IN campuses are ready to build on the momentum from 2022 to ensure their communities are ready to make an even bigger impact this fall,” said Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, executive director of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge. “ALL IN is proud to celebrate and honor top-performing campuses, like North Carolina Central University who demonstrate that nonpartisan student voter engagement is possible and effective.”
More than 1,060 institutions, enrolling more than 10 million students, participate in the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, working to ensure that nonpartisan student voter engagement remains a priority.
NCCU Earns National Honors for Student Voter Participation

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