Important COVID-19 Updates: August 9, 2021

Posted August 09, 2021, 11:18PM

There are three important updates to current COVID-19 policies and protocols at North Carolina Central University.

  1. COVID-19 related communications will be distributed from the email ([email protected]) to help identify COVID-19-specific information.
  2. The university has added an online reporting system as an option to calling the COVID-19 line at 919-530-3219 to report COVID-19 exposure, test results, quarantine, etc.  This link will be added to the myEOL intranet banner shortly. 
  3. Beginning August 23, 2021, all faculty and staff working on campus must either be vaccinated or be tested weekly. You can comply by:
    1. Uploading proof here that you are fully vaccinated; or
    2. Participating in free weekly surveillance testing on campus; or
    3. Uploading weekly documentation here for surveillance test results obtained off campus (will be active prior to August 23, 2021).

More information on surveillance testing is forthcoming.

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep the campus safe and protect yourself and others. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.

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