Campus Power Outage Update (April 10, 2023)

Posted April 10, 2023, 12:00PM

NCCU Community:

Duke Energy has shared a potential resolution to the power outage on campus. The resolution required turning off the power to campus and power should be restored by 1 p.m.

Classes starting prior to 2 p.m. are cancelled. We will share an update at 2 p.m. about the status of future afternoon and evening classes and activities.

W. G. Pearson Cafeteria will remain open for lunch until 1 p.m. and for dinner 5 – 7 p.m.

The James E. Shepard Memorial Library is closed for in-person services except for essential staff. Remote services may be accessed as follows:


Unit supervisors will make a determination to ask non-essential faculty and staff to work remotely or to go to lunch and return by 1 p.m.

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